You are here: Fuel Console > FC6000 Series > Cable & Serial Connection

Cable & Serial Connection

To be able to connect to the console, you need a null modem cable, female to female without handshaking (2-3, 3-2, 5-5, loop back 7 & 8, loop back 1 & 4 & 6).

This cable will most likely need to be made to these specifications.



The back of the console should have a lot of COM ports.

The cable needs to be plugged into the Data Interface port which should be located at the bottom of the second row.

Occasionally there may be something connected on this port.

You will need to remove whatever is plugged in.

Configuration of the console may be required to stop data being sent to Idealpos that is not required.



Sometimes the ports on the back of the device will be labelled different to the above.

Regardless of this, the data cable needs to be plugged into the bottom port of the first column of ports.